Paul Arena for Winnebago County Board #7


The majority of my professional life has been spent working in our community restoring blighted property, providing homes to families, and working on public policy related to housing and real estate.

My experience has given me an understanding of how housing, employment and government interconnect to impact the balance of our lives.

Over the past 27 years I have seen the long-term effect of public policy. I have seen neighborhoods change, for better and worse. I have witnessed people’s lives evolve, some rising from poverty and a criminal past and some lives descending into poverty and crime. Government has a significant impact on how those situations unfold.

As a citizen advocate seeking change in policy, I know that it is essential for public officials to be accessible, honest, and transparent. Citizens should feel comfortable in approaching a public official to discuss an issue or seek assistance. Government exists to serve the people; it is not the people that serve government.

I look forward to taking all that I have learned and using it to improve the lives of the people of Winnebago County. I would be honored to have your vote